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My son, Ezra, had a very severe case of diabetic and septic shock which came on very quickly while we were traveling in a foreign country.


My son was unconscious, in renal failure, intubated and believe to have had brain damage.


The feelings that come to watch a child you love so dearly on the brink of life is something I would not wish on anyone, it is terrifying and devastating.


One of the more difficult things about this experience, was my inability to help him watching him fight for his life, watching the doctors try and save him and feeling totally incapable of doing anything to help him heal.


Deborah worked with Ezra over the course of six weeks and she became a lifeline between me and my son.


Her sessions with Ezra helped him and then provided me and understanding of what Ezra was going through that I otherwise would not have had; they provided me a way to help and connect to him.


Ezra is now recovering. We believe he will make a full recovery, the doctors continue to tell me he is a miracle as this type of recovery was not expected.


I do believe her work with him made a tremendous difference.



Mother & Daughter
I connected with Deborah originally to support both myself and 5 year old daughter after a traumatic birth and birth injures.

I had once placed my whole trust in the medical system, believing that those trained knew what was best for me, instead of listening to my own intuition and using my voice.

In postpartum not only did I feel uncared for and unsupported, it felt like no one was actually was able to understand the depth of the trauma and ongoing health issues; daily life often felt unbearable.

Preparing to give birth to my second child I hoped that booking a session with Deborah may help my daughter and myself to manage the health issues a little easier, and for me to clear any further emotions or trauma that may get in the way of me giving birth how I wished.

On the first session I remember being so blown away that a belief that originated from a traumatic event 11 generations before me, was a belief that I continued to carry with me and live my life by day by day.

The things that were coming up to be processed felt so exactly precise in regards to my life and made complete sense, but at the same time I knew I could never have uncovered them on my own, let alone process and heal them with light language!

I was successfully able to have the intervention free, healing home birth that we had hoped for.

Throughout this year we have been slowly working through sessions, uncovering and healing ancestral, inner child, current and past life trauma that I didn’t even know was there, but the beliefs that came from these parts of me were holding me back from being my free and authentic self.

Not a session has gone by where I haven’t been awe struck by Deborah’s wisdom and healing gifts.

I have witnessed many peaceful shifts and changes in my life and within my family, including the healing of physical symptoms, as well as the way I feel within myself and the way I handle situations where I would have once been triggered and not understood why.

Not only has Deborah processed stressors, she has guided me to learn myself how to work through and process triggers and uncomfortable emotions as they occur, breaking the cycles and allowing me to cope in difficult situations and co-regulate with my children (this is a working progress). I am grateful to be practising the conscious parenting that I once dreamed of.

I have remembered and now practice  embodying that I do have a voice, it is safe for me to state my truth, my opinions do matter, and that I am worthy.

I no longer feel hopelessness and a victim to the health system. I now feel grateful that our experiences happened for us, as they were an opportunity to question and change our path, and for me to start to use my voice. Without them I never would have awakened to the world or began such a life changing healing journey.

Deborah has become a mentor and a huge unwavering support in my life, going above and beyond to allow me to live life more peacefully and authentically. I’m so grateful for all of her work and the ways she has transformed my life and feel so excited to see what’s to come in the future.


I came to Deborah after many years of psychotherapy and other mainstream treatments to address why I was so unhappy in this world.


The years of treatment had left me feeling tired and so distrustful of anyone.


Over a few months, Deborah worked with me to gain trust in live person sessions while coaching me to learn to process my emotions.


Seeing Deborah in person was great and so much better for me than other treatments but I found that the anxiety i felt was holding me back from being able to fully lean into the sessions.


Deborah's genuine kindness and understanding meant that I now felt comfortable and trusting enough to have her do telepathic sessions with me.


Over the next 5 months Deborah did weekly or fortnightly sessions.


Each time things shifted for me.

Blocks cleared.

The wall came down.

Trauma I wasn't even consciously aware of was processed.


Each session, i thought I had realised how magical Deborah was and then the next session she would blow me away again.


Honestly, I feel like Deborah has saved my life.


I was at a point of giving up and had been for a long time.


Now, old thoughts and beliefs that used to haunt me daily, hourly or with each breath now pass by.



Pregnant Woman in Nature

I came to see Deborah because I had been trying to conceive for 18 months.


I went into my experience without expectations and so many unconscious patterns have been uncovered and released.


I have observed incredible shifts over the few months we have worked together.


In our most recent session we were working with my mental body field.


The only words I had to describe how I was feeling at the time were scattered and foggy.


Deborah used light language to start the healing process and as she progressed, a wave of wholeness came over me.


It was like the fog started to lift and a thousand shattered pieces began integrating and coming back together.


It was like remembering that at my essence I’ve been whole and complete all along.


This is  Just one example of the powerful experiences I’ve had with Deborah.


I am excited to share  I am pregnant!













 © Deborah Quirke 

Newcastle NSW Australia 

0431 676 109

Sessions can be done in person , via video conference or telepathically




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