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What is Psychic kinesiology?


Is a combination of my psychic abilities and my skills as a certified Kinesiologist. Refer to What is Kinesiology page for more information.


How do i know this modality is the right one for me?


Are YOU ready to accept the changes needed for you to create the life you desire?


If you answered YES then ABSOLUTELY you are in the right place. 


Are you looking for someone to give you all the answers, to fix you without committing to any work yourself?


If you answered YES unfortunately we are not the right fit. However, when you are ready to make the changes knowing this will be for your highest good. I invite you to then contact me. 




What can I expect in my session?



Laugher, tears, awareness and a HUGE realisation of what has been holding you back from being the ULTIMATE version of YOU.


Each session begins with a guided connection process to connect to Mind, Body and Spirit, followed by observing physical symptoms and relationships (money, work, self, partner, family, bodyin your life that are causing stress and how these make you feel. After the intention for your session is set I invite you to make yourself comfortable as I begin to muscle test and connect to spirit. During your session you can experience blockages being processed and energy shifting, creating healing transformations. 

You will be provided with your own unique reinforcements to support the integration of the healing process.




What is muscle testing?


Muscle testing is a natural bio-feedback system which taps into the subconscious. This allows us to identify the underlying causes of any obstacle in our life. Kinesiology is specific in identifying these causes and determining the best strategies to resolve the imbalance. This results in changes on all levels, structural, emotional, nutritional, psychological, energetic and spiritual, enabling your body to heal itself naturally.



What is light Language?


Light Language is an ancient form of communication which speaks directly to your soul.

It by passes the logical mind and processes the known and unknown, seen and not seen on a multi dimensional scale.




What is death transitional support?


This is a telepathic session where I lovingly support the person to transitional to the next level of consciousness from a place of empowerment, love, expansion and growth.


The physical body dies, however the soul lives on. 


I support them to process any pain, suffering, fears or overwhelms.


This could be the pain of  leaving a loved one behind even when they know are ready to move on.


I am often able to see the golden threads of the soul leaving the physical body when the time in near.



This is and extremely powerful session.


Not only for the person transitioning but also for their family members and love ones .


A sense of peace as achieved for all parties. 


Especially knowing they are at ready, at peace and are held in the highest vibration of love.




What is the Quantum leaping grieving process?


This is a session I highly recommend when a loved one has died, especially if it was sudden or unexpected.


As eternal beings. I use my psychic abilities to connect to the aspect of  self which is now source energy.


Giving this aspect of self a voice and an opportunity to share their wisdom, guidance and knowledge  to support your healing process.




I invite you to watch this interview with myself and Brenda.  She received the traumatic news that her son had died of an overdose.



A week after his physical death and I connected with his energy.


This session quantum shifted the healing process.






What are Reinforcements?


These are your own personalised words, delivered from your Higher self in order for you to create the transformations you desire. 



How can I expect to feel after my session?


Each individual has their own unique experience. At the end of a session many people feel taller, lighter and empowered with clarity of mind. When they connect to the things that were causing stress they no longer feel the same. 


With dramatic shifts in energy and transformations you may experience tiredness, flu like symptoms or have old emotions arise to the surface to be processed. Usually this only lasts a few hours or days. These symptoms can be a sign of a ENORMOUS change. Be gentle on yourself and if you feel wobbly, know I am here to support you. 




What if I am unable to come to you for a session?


No problem!!    I have many interstate and international clients who are unable to attend in person. I offer these clients remote sessions, communicating through video call. 


I also offer remote sessions for clients who are unconscious or non verbal, using telepathy and psychic abilities where i surrogate myself.




How many sessions do I need?


This can depend on what symptoms and stressors you are presenting and how they are making you feel.  Every session is unique and therefore this is different for everyone. It can depend on your willingness to accept the changes and other external factors.



I AM ready to embrace changes!!! How do I begin?


I invite you to call or text me on 0431 676 109 or alternatively, click on my contact page. I will contact you to discuss if we are the right fit to work together. 



How else can I connect with you?



I invite you to follow me on Facebook




To join "BLUE EAGLE" an online space for adoptees to be uplifted and celebrated please click on the link below.




Photo Credit Tara Sawyer




 © Deborah Quirke 

Newcastle NSW Australia 

0431 676 109

Sessions can be done in person , via video conference or telepathically




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